Love Jesus. Love Others. That’s all.

Better together.


The church is not a place to go but a community of people. We are not meant to do life alone. If you choose to make EVC your home church, we will encourage you to get involved. Below are some things we do as a community for our own spiritual growth and to help encourage and build up each other and our city.



The way we love our church community is first and foremost to simply be present. We challenge you to make our Sunday gatherings a weekly commitment. The best way to build relationships is to meet together regularly. Not only is your presence a blessing to us, you will find that there is nothing that can replace a loving community of believers when it comes to our own spiritual growth. So, let’s love well by simply being there for each other.



The Bible tells us God gives each of us unique gifts in order to share his grace with each other (1 Peter 4:10). So, we love it when people in our community step up and use their gifts to serve both our church community and the greater Eugene community. If you are passionate about something, let us know! God probably gave you that passion for a reason and we encourage you to step into that calling. It can be very life giving. Check out our “Ministries We Support” page to see how we get involved in our local community.


The Eugene Vineyard Church is known in our city as a church that prays. We believe in the power of prayer and we pray regularly for each other, our city, and the world. We encourage all the members of our church family to pray for each other and to not be too shy to ask for prayer. God loves to surprise us and love on us when we pray. We are part of “One Church One Day.”



It is good for our hearts to give, whether it be our time, our skills, or our resources. We are inspired by the church described in Acts 4: “All the believers…felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had.” The generosity of a church family is a reflection of its heart and the heart of the Acts 4 church is hard to replicate. However, we can try! And as we learn to give generously, we find we are blessed just as much as we are blessing others.